HISTORY の最新ニュースまとめ
その発言原文の4番目の文章の「requisition」の意味が今回の日韓交渉の核心キーワードだ。軍隊などによる「徴用」、「徴発」、「接収」を意味する言葉で、「強制」までを意味するのかは解釈の余地がある。しかし、「against their will」 の「本人の意思に反して」や「forced to work under harsh conditions」の
Madame Chairperson, Thank you for the opportunity to deliver this statement on behalf of the Government of Japan.
It is quite an honor for the Government of Japan that the “Outstanding Universal Value” of this property has been duly evaluated and that, with the support of all Members of the Committee, it has been inscribed on the World Heritage List by a consensus decision.
The Government of Japan respects the ICOMOS recommendation that was made from technical and expert perspectives. Especially, in developing the “interpretive strategy,” Japan will sincerely respond to the recommendation that the strategy allows “an understanding of the full history of each site.”
「日本政府は、技術的・専門的見地から下された国際記念物遺跡協議会の勧告を尊重します。特に、その『解釈戦略(interpretive strategy)』を発展させていくことで、日本は同戦略が『各施設の全体の歴史を理解する』ことができるようにしてほしい、との勧告を忠実に反映しています。」
More specifically, Japan is prepared to take measures that allow an understanding that there were a large number of Koreans and others who were brought against their will and forced to work under harsh conditions in the 1940s at some of the sites, and that, during World War II, the Government of Japan also implemented its policy of requisition.
Japan is prepared to incorporate appropriate measures into the interpretive strategy to remember the victims such as the establishment of information center.
The Government of Japan expresses its deep appreciation to Chairperson B’hmer, all Members of the World Heritage Committee and everyone involved in the process for their understanding of the “Outstanding Universal Value” of the property, and for their kind cooperation towards its inscription.
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