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1. POW_ _ (パウ)/POW_ _
2. 82MAJOR
3. EPEX(エフェックス)/EPEX
4. Kep1er_ (Kep1er_ _ ) / Kep1er_ _
皆さんとスターの帰り道を担当する特急ファンサービス! 펵ギルアウトが新しいシーズンに戻りました!
スターたちの帰り道現場をTHE鮮やかに! THE ラブリーに!
Super fan service that takes care of you and the stars on their way home from work! On The Way Out is back with a new season!
MC Woong armed with loveliness
The vivid scene of stars on their way home from work! With even more love!
Everyone come watch the SHOW-☆
Likes, comments, subsription, and notifications are essential♡ A lot of interest is love♥
#pow #82major #epex #kep1er #theshow #thekpop
2024/11/11 16:10 配信
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